| 1. | We peppered the enemy's lines with our shot . 我们向敌人阵地密集扫射。 |
| 2. | He will have to fall into line with the others . 他早晚得和别人一致起来。 |
| 3. | My plan is in line with your suggestions . 我的计划是按照你的指示制定的。 |
| 4. | The river was sparsely lined with willow trees ... 河边疏疏落落有几棵柳树。 |
| 5. | Try to say that line with more conviction . 念这一行时,要尽量带出坚定的语气。 |
| 6. | You fasten the washing to a line with a peg . 你把洗的衣物用一个衣夹夹在绳子上。 |
| 7. | The road was lined with mulberry trees . 路边桑树成行。 |
| 8. | Place your right toe in line with your left heel . 把右脚趾与左脚跟排在一直线上。 |
| 9. | The inside is lined with bricks . 里面衬有一层耐火砖。 |
| 10. | Do not take that line with me . 不要对我采取那种方式。 |